Trudy, reading all 21 recommendations, I am astounded by the accuracy! Your integrity, professionalism and people centred approach has always left me in awe of you as a Recruiter and Business Owner.
Employing me was, perhaps, a testament to your people centred approach, looking beyond the CV and recognising the potential and ability. You nurtured me and allowed me to grow as a professional. Leaving TrudyQ in 2013 was the most difficult decision I’ve ever had to make in my career, because my committment to you and your company was 110%. Together we achieved so much, developed and nurtured relationships and ensured that candidates and clients received exceptional service.
It was however, my time to “fly the coop”. You’ve guided me to be the best me that I can be. You’ve encouraged me to pursue my love of writing and continue to support me in the volunteer work that I do.
Your presence in my life has had a profound impact on the person that I am today.
Thank you!